Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The world has been blessed with amazing people as well

The last blog I had written started with my complaints about people not appreciating my deep thoughts which is`nt correct always.

I would have not started to blog had there been no one to read and apprectiate. I think I was way too critical about people who asked me to be more cheerful.

My experience with blogging started after I started to work for SUYAM. I had read a lot of blogs before but never thought I would start writing one. After I was there in Nagapattanam after the Tsunami the experience left in me disturbing pictures of the tragedy. The number of days I spent with those fishermen I realised how tough their life was. And to add to their misery this tragedy happenned. I had to pour out what I felt and blog was one place I could put forth what I thought. So I wrote about those 10 days in my life and how from ordinary people they became heroes in their own right.

I can’t stop mentioning here a sarcastic comment from a fisherman folk who himself had his property damaged. He said, “ If the Tsunami had to hit another couple of times there would be little or no parity between the rich and poor along the coastline”

once I expressed my heart out and asked my freinds to read I had atleast a dozen of serious people who wanted to help. There are people everywhere who wanted to contribute and it is just that they needed an oppurtunity.
Rose foundation from belgium, came to help SUYAM to recontruct a school in akkraipettai through one of my freind from college.
There is another german company which came in with its ship container full of relief material.

We have people all aroung and the situation is`nt that bleak as I had complained in the first paragraph of the last blog.

Even for the last post there is this person though not agreeing with me said that the blog disturbed the persons sleep that night. If I have made people think with my writing I am getting somewhere.


Anonymous said...

hey jc, maybe we just need to be a little more willing to help people than say that we cant make a difference..
like the little boy who threw sand dollars back into the ocean so that they wouldnt dry up, maybe we too need to believe and live the feeling that a difference we make in one person's life is worth it..
keep blogging..:)

Unknown said...


Don`t know whom I am replying to..anyway thanks. We both are on the same side. I also believe we can make a difference, i am not sure what gave you an impression i think we can`t.
The support like urs is itself a testimony there a change is due to happen

next time mention your name.