Monday, February 06, 2006

"my kind of girl" ?????

It was the year 2000 and my brother had got married. He was leaving for the United States with a couple of weeks available to spend with us. I was searching for a gift for both my Brother and my Bhabhi. First thing that struck me was a book that I got hold of when I was in my second year of college. Room 31 at Diamond hostel had five inmates unlike other rooms that had just four. The fifth roomy who joined us late because of Bosh`s recommendation was Samiran Chakraverti (Still not sure how chakraborti is spelt or pronounced).

Samiran was a voracious reader and I could see a gourmet of books when he stayed at our room. One such book that I had come across was “Men are from mars and women are from Venus”. The name was different so I picked it up to read. Though I don’t remember much of what I had read, it was written with the basic idea of woman and man being poles apart. It’s about relations and especially talks about the most complex one that a man and a woman shares. Two different individuals (physiologically and psychologically different) come together and commit to share their life. If only there is gods’ good will there are no hitches in the relation.

The reason this topic cropped up in my mind was because of the discussion in the train when I was returning from Trichy with few of my classmates. It was an unusual discussion. It was a nice experience though I had to share a story of mine as well. The thing that struck was not the story shared but the people behind it. I was taken aback at least a couple of times when my friend put me in a spot of embarrassment. But knowing the person it wasn’t new. I went on to tell my story and that was at least 5 years old.

If it is the story that you are thinking is in the paragraphs following then you are mistaken. Couple of days later Koushik my friend made attempts in vain to get at the story out several times.

Our choice for the kind of friend we want does change with time but we are the same person even with age. Having reached a B School people start thinking of getting placed and having a nice career. If you keep asking what next – love, marriage and family is definitely in most minds. What kind of girl or guy? Very few have an answer but I can bet that everyone has given a thought about the kind of person with whom they want to spend their life.

I have tried to find an answer myself. I can see the implications of writing such a think on my blog. But still I find this so very interesting that it can’t be left unattended. I am sure to get few comments from people especially my brother that if I am trying to look for my prospect. So the disclaimer -This one is in no way a public address system and no advertisement

One thing by writing down an answer I am trying to limit the attributes about my girl which is really not in my mind. A person can’t be definitely limited by few hundred words.s

I am not sure of the covert reasons for writing such a thing. The readers have the freedom to look for reasons for me to come out with this kind of write up. My HR Prof would definitely be not satisfied with the specifications I am trying to come out with after his Job Analysis class. A life partner is definitely not a Job applicant.

Most of the things I write I guess shall be on most of the guys’ wish list.

It is easy to think all men are attracted to some sort of universal ideal woman -- that one perfect model all women should strive to emulate.

I know that most of the time, I just want a friend.

Of course, it is a bonus if she is good-looking but mostly I just want my woman to understand me. Not everyone is born beautiful and I think everyone will appreciate the fact that once you know a person and start liking them they look more attractive than they normally do.

“Good shoes are important. The kind of shoes that the girls wear makes a huge difference and yes definitely the color matters. Guys like the pink color shoes"

Knowing me you should have thought what happened to this guy. I was just kidding. How the hell someone’s dressing going to matter. Yes there are certain things that are on the hate list of both men and women. No one likes someone who is stinking and dirty. People talk about clean nails and well kept hair. I haven’t so far tried to notice someone’s nail and the hair. But yeah I remember having shared an interest with one of my senior towards girls with long hair. I have heard from at least couple of classmates who have noticed badly kept hair in a girl and have names for her. Everyone wants to see their girl presentable to people.

Guys definitely like the girls who talk a lot. Very seldom you would see a guy talk for a long time if there is a girl in the vicinity. Clarity in communication I think rates highly among men. I don’t claim that all men clearly communicate and so expect clarity in communication. Men are easily confused with the mixed signals from the girl. Girls can be sure that they shall be asked for repeated confirmation from their male friends.

Opinionated girls are so attractive. (Not sure you use an adjective such as opinionated for a girl. One friend had told me girls are known for being genteel. Here I am expressing my opinion of woman being opinionated and so being attractive  )
Opinions and taking sides gives a sign of the woman’s individualism and her love for independence. The more the lady argues be sure that she can take care of herself really well. This is something I personally like. One more reason why generally guys look for girls who are opinionated is that it gives them more chance to flirt

I had got a SMS from my friend which classified woman into the categories how a man perceived her for different occasions. Men look at different attributes in different places and times. A friend, a partner for a discotheque, a girl friend, a life partner (to be introduced to one’s family) – all these have different images in a man’s mind.
May be a filmy example would do a lot of good. I shall help you people with both bollywood and kollywood examples. A friend – Rani Mukherjee, Jothika; a partner for disco – Kareena Kapoor, Trisha; A girl friend – Preity Zinta, Asin and finally the girl for your home – Kajol, Sneha.
Not sure I satisfied a lot of men, they might have other different stars in different roles but the attempt was to make how men think woman differently in different roles. I am also doubtful that many men see one perfect figure fitting all these roles. May be an ideal girl would fit into all these roles, I repeat ideal girl.

A girl respecting her parents find a special place. May be that Kajol in K3G or Sneha in Ey nee Azhaga irukka still in my mind. But again this doesn’t mean others take decision for her. A lady who is independent is most people’s choice. On one hand men like to open a door for a woman or help her with a heavy baggage – Men don’t think woman are weak if they let the men open the doors for them.

I think it is getting harder to write more about what is expected from a girl. I am really happy having written so much. I have been teased with the phrase “million dollar baby”. For I wish I could get married to a rich man’s daughter (A millionaire – We have been prescribed a US author book for finance which makes me think of the dollar return. So very particular that he is worth a million in dollar terms). I would then straight away become the CEO instead of waiting for a 15 year ritual. My kind of girl “Million dollar baby”???


Anonymous said...

though u talk about a million dollar babe, i m sure , ur babe's worth is goin to be a lot more than a million.. there is nothin like a ideal woman or an ideal man.. its just a matter of preferences or choices... your choices are goin to change and so as that of mine... the daunting task is to find one who can have majority of aims or goals matching that of ours.... if thats isn't is the case, then i m sure we are goin to have a tough time.. until then we all can hope to find someone who can understand us.. who can share our happiness with us..n who can cry with us in our bad times.. well friends, this is an hypothetical situation and god bless, for many of you its a reality.. but for those, who are still far from it... i believe, that world is big enough to find an ideal partner of ur choice.. so its worthwhile waiting... so friends.... keep waiting...................... time is the biggest hiller... hope u find urs...............................................................................................................................SHISHIR...

Unknown said...

some how the pictures i chose ...all of them are smiling :)

Boopathy Srinivasan said...

iam confused......
aft writing such a big post..iam not clear abt the requirement..
reality and illusion play against each other in our life..
the popular game they play is wife..
i hope illusion wins for u..

Unknown said...

there is no requirement as such boopa... "my kind of a girl" ???? does`nt really mean JC`s kind of girl it was written with the intention to bring out a viewpoint. Actually to say the truth it is better i talk in general and not in specific terms so that i am not in a position of discomfort later...


Anonymous said...

really interesting....buti dont understand why u feel/felt embarrased talking about "your life"....?!!!...(by any chance veetla ponna pakarangala??)

Unknown said...

ponnu parkala...and hope i did`nt show any sign of resentment... and may i know the name of the anonymous

Anonymous said...

Dont scold me after seeing my comments. Here it is.
We cant really look for some specific attributes in a person. Even if we look for it, it is difficult to measure. We can do an approximate measurement and then select. To know that attributes of a person may not be practical for atleast another 100 years. This is because there are around 10^11 neurons and 10^15 synapses in our brain. Also we dont know how to map them to surface attributes like whether he/she is short-tempered,talented etc. We need technologies (like nanotech) to measure the state of the neurons and synapses and then map it to surface attributes.


Unknown said...

vinayaga does your pant fit you really well, haven`t you grown fatter after leaving REC, you have two options Either you alter or throw it out. So how do you go and shop for your pants, you look for your measure right even though you know it might not be a real exact fit. All you can do is expect a measure that might suit you. Who is perfect, everyone looks for something compatible.. i never mentioned "my ideal girl"... and anyway the heading isn'`t "jc`s ideal girl".. thanks for the comment is good to get a comment from someone who is soon getting married :)

Anonymous said...

Dei, For pant size I can eaily measure my leg length and hip size and thigh size. It is just a few dimensions. For Brain(state) the number of dimensions is of the order of 10^20 or more. All I wanted to say is that we can only do very very approximate probing and selection.

For that matter "Naan parthathe oru ponnudhaan:) --May24,2002-One week after our convocation:). Appadiye sarinnu sollitaen.

I do understand that you did not talk about your ideal girl. I just generally wanted to give my comment about this topic.

I also read "Men are from Mars Women are from Venus". It was really good. It was very useful for me because "Naan Love lifela romba adipattutaen". You forgot everything because you had not loved. :)

haz said...

most sensible guys look for what you too want dude...but if life would be this perfect would it be apologies for presentin this pessimistic view..couldn help it..girls like to talk a lot!!!

let me tell you they like to listen know what goes on in a mans head.
i shouldn be ventin my anger out on you...carry on was good readin your blog