Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Not everything is Right about India but we have Some Positive Civilisational Values

We have had some worst times last couple of years in our country. Lives have been lost, properties damaged and families disintegrated. Natural calamity and destruction is not only for India. The force of nature doesn't see if it is a developed country or developing, western union or Saarc. It just plays havoc. When nature's fury is common to all of us in this world what is different? What is special when it comes to India?

Aftermath of Tsunami we have seen so many people rushing to help far and wide of India and yeah some great souls far away from even India. The response of people who live kilometers away from the shore to reach out and help has been tremendous.

When I traveled to Nagapattanam among our group of 14 people only two people were working. The other 12 were students. There were 4 students from Erode. They had come to Chennai after hearing about the vast destruction. They traveled all the way to join the efforts to help the needy and those affected by the monster wave.

Even as we reached Nagappatanam we saw a lot groups which had turned out with food clothes and medicines. We saw heaps of cloths on the sides of the roads. So many of them in their zeal to help had brought too many of those cloths.

This is in sharp contrast with what happened in some other part of the world which claims to be on top of the modern civilisation. There were riots in place of relief. The government which rules the world responded so late to its own citizens.
true reasons why these things happened won`t be known!!! Racism?? Lack of proper Administration system??
In India we had come to know about Tsunami only after it struck but they had the news of the disaster even couple of days before it hit the place.

Words of our president-"Perhaps not everything is right with India, but it has some positive civilisational values. I think this is one of them — our ability to come to the help of those afflicted."

Yes Focus needs to be on what is being done for those affected by Tsunami and the earthquake in Jammu Kashmir. But also shouldn't we talk of the way our people have come forward to help each other. Not only did we stop with helping our own people but we offered help to Srilanka and Indonesia after tsunami . We opened five points on our borders to Pakisthan for help after the earthquake
Critics may associate other reasons for doing so. Whatever be the reasons hinted I can see there is help rendered in some form.

Like what the President had said we should be looking at these CIVILISATIONAL VALUES and should be strengthening them.


Nair said...

jai hind!

Anonymous said...

I agree with certain things but disagree with most. I do agree that disaster management has not been upto the mark in the US. To add to your example, a couple of months back, there was heavy rain in NYC and most parts of Queens was submerged in water and wasn't accessible. Where I disagree with you is the civilizational aspect of the argument. We as a nation are full of people who dont have any respect for fellow humans. Neither do we show any respect for the rules ( I suspect that is a legacy left behind by Gandhi ). The way people treat each other in India is pathetic to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Riots are in the place of relief not just in other parts of the world..it happens in India as well.Let's not forget the stampede in Chennai...a tragedy that could have been avoided if only ppl were more civilised and govt. was more responsible and sensible.